What Is Dental Implant Restoration?

Dental Implants Snellville, GA

A dental implant restoration is often recommended by dentists for patients with one or multiple missing teeth that want the most natural-like and long-term solution for teeth replacement. This review discusses dental implant restoration in detail, highlighting what it is, the benefits, disadvantages, and when to consider treatment.

Dental implant restoration: what is it, what are the benefits, and who is it for?

Our goal is to help patients make informed choices about their preferred teeth replacement solution. While a consultation visit is the best way to review dental implant restoration, along with possible alternative options, having a general overview can help you determine if treatment may be appropriate.

Dental implant restoration defined

A dental implant restoration is a type of tooth (or teeth) replacement. There are three components to the restoration, which are the implant (or multiple implants), the abutment(s), and the prosthesis. The prosthesis is either a crown, bridge, or denture depending on the number of natural teeth that are being replaced.

The pros and cons of dental implant restoration

Dental implant restorations offer advantages that other teeth replacement solutions are not able to offer to patients with one or more missing teeth. These benefits include:

  • Preserve jawbone density
  • Eat without dietary restrictions
  • Keep a natural-looking smile
  • Improve durability and longevity

The primary drawback to dental implant restoration is that the process takes much longer to complete. The process also involves a surgical procedure as well, so the patient should be in good enough general health and willing to undergo surgery. Although the initial cost is higher with dental implant restoration, implant restorations last much longer and require less maintenance when compared with alternative solutions.

When to consider a dental implant restoration

Dental implant restoration is recommended for anyone who wants a long-term solution to teeth replacement. Dental implant restoration may be an option to replace missing teeth or as an alternative to dentures, especially if they quit fitting properly or the patient is tired of removing them. Many dental professionals also recommend dental implant restoration if the patient has one or more teeth that are severely damaged and in need of extraction.

How to care for dental implant restoration

One huge benefit of dental implant restoration is that the patient can care for them as if they were natural teeth. This includes practicing good oral hygiene. It is also recommended to limit the consumption of sugar (and other carbohydrates) and avoid smoking and consuming alcohol as much as possible as these habits are often detrimental to oral health. Regular check-up and cleaning visits every four to six months with your dentist are encouraged after dental implant restoration as well.

Everyone deserves a beautiful and fully functional smile

Unfortunately, many with missing teeth begin to feel insecure with how they look or report having issues with chewing foods or speaking in an ideal manner. The good news is that dental implant restoration restores the health, function, and appearance of the patient's smile. Call us today to schedule a dental implant consultation.

Request an appointment here: https://www.northroadfamilydental.com or call North Road Family Dental at (770) 284-9171 for an appointment in our Snellville office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Dental Implants in Snellville, GA.

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