When to Go to the Emergency Dentist for an Infected Tooth

Emergency Dentist Snellville, GA

An emergency dentist is a great resource to make use of when dealing with an infected tooth. If infections go ignored, they can become significantly worse. There are a lot of signs to look out for when trying to determine whether a visit to an emergency dentist is necessary. These signs should be reviewed so that patients know what to look out for.

Should I visit the emergency dentist for an infected tooth?

The following information outlines when to visit an emergency dentist for a tooth that is infected. Read on to find out more.


One of the main signs that indicate a visit to an emergency dentist is needed is if there is significant pain. When a tooth hurts, it usually means that there is a serious problem internally. Oftentimes, pain indicates an infection of the tooth or the surrounding gums. There are two different types of pain, both of which can indicate an infection. The first type of pain is dull or constant, and it typically occurs when there is no movement or usage of the tooth. The other type of pain is a sharp pain, which typically occurs when the patient bites down on food or brushes their teeth.

It is best to visit an emergency dentist when any type of pain occurs so that they can examine the tooth and area to determine what the problem might be. They will likely take x-rays and carefully inspect the area where the pain is coming from. A diagnosis and treatment plan can then be outlined to remove the infection and reduce the pain.


Another indicator that a visit to an emergency dentist is necessary is if there is swelling in certain areas of the gums. Oftentimes, an infected tooth will cause a reaction in the gums surrounding it. Swelling may look like red or puffy spots that are not normally there. An emergency dentist can examine the gums to see if there is an infected tooth. If there is, they can diagnose the problem and come up with a treatment plan. In turn, an oral rinse can be prescribed to help reduce swelling or inflammation in the gums.


Infected teeth sometimes cause bleeding in the gums or around the gumlines. If the patient brushes or flosses their teeth and notices bleeding on a regular basis, it may be an indicator to visit an emergency dentist. Bleeding is normal every so often, but if it occurs on a regular basis, it is likely that there is an infection within the mouth.

Emergency dentists will typically recommend saltwater or a medicated oral rinse to reduce bleeding in the gums while they determine what the underlying problem is.

Looking for an emergency dentist?

Infected teeth often show symptoms. Never ignore the symptoms as they can be helpful in diagnosing the problem. Any questions or concerns should be addressed by an emergency dentist. Reach out to our office today to learn more.

Request an appointment here: https://www.northroadfamilydental.com or call North Road Family Dental at (770) 284-9171 for an appointment in our Snellville office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Emergency Dentist in Snellville, GA.

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